Somatic Healing & Trauma Resolution

Starry Summers, ERYT500

What is Somatic Experiencing?

The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress-related disorders. The SE™ approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. Starry has completed the full 3 years of Somatic Experiencing training and offers this wealth of knowledge and experience to her clients. View Starry’s listing with the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute.

Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) was developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD to address the effects of trauma. Levine developed this approach after observing that prey animals, whose lives are routinely threatened in the wild, are able to recover readily by physically releasing the energy they accumulate during stressful events. Humans, on the other hand, often override these natural ways of regulating the nervous system with feelings of shame and pervasive thoughts, judgments, and fears. Somatic Experiencing aims to help people move past the place where they might be “stuck” in processing a traumatic event.

What is Safe & Sound Protocol?

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a five hour, research based, auditory intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. Based on Dr. Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, the SSP exerts a calming effect on our physiological and emotional state. This opens the door for improved healing, communication and social ease, encouraging your nervous system to come out of the fight, flight, freeze response and away from protective vigilance.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Starry

A Short Video Explaining Trauma & Your Nervous System:

Explore, grow, transform...

Starry’s Story

“It took me many years to recognize my own symptoms of trauma stemming from early childhood experiences. I realized, painfully, that I had done a great job of “managing” my trauma through yogic techniques, but I had no idea how to actually touch it and allow it, much less, resolve it.

Upcoming Events

Starry collaborates with other healers and group facilitators to bring cutting edge experiences of Somatic Healing and rejuvenation on all levels.

Check here to find out about the latest workshops and online groups.

Click here for a Free Consultation

“I have a deep commitment to helping people explore and nurture awareness of true self. I offer my experience and teachings from a multidimensional body of work and my life-long dedication to healing and living an authentic, naturally joyful life. What I offer, beyond Somatic Experiencing techniques and Yoga; includes “Real Love,” dream and myth exploration, Divine Feminine rituals, Breathwork and the teachings of Advaita. I am an active member of the Haidakhandi Ashram and Sharon Landrith’s Clear Light Sangha in Crestone, CO.”

- Starry Summers, ERYT 500

What people are saying...

“I feel she was my guardian angel”

“I first met Starry Summers during a time of intense suffering for me. I had read about Somatic Experiencing but had never gone to see a practitioner. I shared my frightening struggles with suicidal longings. I witnessed in Starry a dedication to understanding and embodying unconditional love. A being who took great care…We did a session, during which I experienced some shift in my nervous system towards relaxation in a way I had not experienced before. Tears come to my eyes now as I write this because it was so huge for me the way the Starry listened so openly and without judgment. All I felt was compassion. Her attention was so open, clear and anchored. I continued to do sessions with Starry for a couple months. I had significant relief within Starry’s presence and guidance in our sessions. SE continued to be the most helpful therapy I had come across. I feel she was my guardian angel and all of the great change in my life would not have happened had it not been for her coming into my life.”

— AC