What Clients Say ...

I feel she was my guardian angel…”

“I first met Starry Summers during a time of intense suffering for me. I had read about Somatic Experiencing but had never gone to see a practitioner. I shared my frightening struggles with suicidal longings. I witnessed in Starry a dedication to understanding and embodying unconditional love.  A being who took great care…We did a session, during which I experienced some shift in my nervous system towards relaxation in a way I had not experienced before. Tears come to my eyes now as I write this because it was so huge for me the way the Starry listened so openly and without judgment.  All I felt was compassion. Her attention was so open, clear and anchored.  I continued to do sessions with Starry for a couple months. I had significant relief within Starry’s presence and guidance in our sessions.  SE continued to be the most helpful therapy I had come across.  I feel she was my guardian angel and all of the great change in my life would not have happened had it not been for her coming into my life.”

— AC

profound, authentic and powerful…” 

“Thanks, Starry, for the opportunity and dynamic container, the time and space to sink in deep with myself, beautifully cultivated and lovingly held. Thanks for the of allowing being exactly where you are and of such vulnerability. Thanks for leading in this way. Just feeling lots of gratitude and resilience for what is here, there, and yet to come. The transformation is a marvelous thing! You are doing such amazing work in the world. And the 54 points meditation? It is deeply relaxing!”

— CC

“Thank you, Starry, for such profound, authentic and powerful work!”

I am so happy to receive its fruits and such profound support.”

— TS

it has had a profound effect on me…” 

“We shared some really significant time together in your sessions, Starry, and doing kirtan and so much more. You helped me open up my heart and became a spiritual mentor to me. It has had a profound effect on me – for the better. Your energy fills the space with such connection and authenticity. You’ve touched so many lives, just like you did mine. Thank you!”

— BG

so tenderly human… ”

“I was in desperate need of help when Starry Summers came into my life,  but felt unable or didn’t know how to ask for it.  A great deal of deeply painful emotion was coming to the surface.  Starry approached me and said that she saw my pain and felt an impulse to help ease my suffering. As she talked to me, I felt a lightness in her and a trust in life that I knew I did not have myself. Starry explained Somatic Experiencing and offered me a complimentary session and I gratefully accepted her offer. I felt so comfortable with Starry during the sessions that I was able to share details about some of my deepest pains; things I had great difficulty and shame over.

Our therapy sessions did not have the cold, clinical feel I was used to.  With Starry it was so tenderly human. I felt something much deeper in her during our sessions. I felt she was totally there for me, so tuned in to my responses and recognizing what my system needed. I felt experiences of peace, calming in my body, and connection with my surroundings that I had not felt before despite having a meditation practice for several years. Nearly a year later my life has transformed greatly and Starry is one of the dearest friends I’ve ever had.”

— CG